House District 37B includes a portion of Blaine. You can learn more about the candidates below, or watch their debate:
About: Nolan has deep roots in the community. Today, four generations of Wests live in Blaine. Nolan has seen Blaine develop from sod fields and junkyards to a thriving city. He graduated from the University of Minnesota, and worked in the Minnesota House of Representatives doing constituent services for Blaine while managing the Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee. Throughout his career, Nolan has helped Blaine residents who have had trouble with government agencies, ranging from the Department of Revenue to MNsure. He has seen, first-hand, what works in government, and what doesn’t. Most first time legislators get very little, or nothing, passed at all. Nolan’s expertise will get results for Blaine, on day one.
Important Issues: Healthcare costs are out of control and only getting worse. MNsure has been an unmitigated disaster. Nolan will work for immediate tax relief on healthcare plans and work to seriously reform, or dismantle, MNsure. We need new ideas in government because the status quo clearly is not working.
Without quality roads and bridges, people won’t want to live in Blaine. The North Metro is consistently overlooked when it comes to transportation spending. This last Legislative Session, funds were ready to renovate 105th Ave, but those funds were lost for in a political squabble over light rail. Blaine needs quality roads and bridges to keep growing. If we don’t resolve this funding, our commutes will only get worse.
Goals if Elected: I will keep my ears open to the community. You can contact me anytime, and I will get back to you. My job is to represent my district, not myself. If elected, I will use my expertise to advocate for Blaine, and ensure your voice is heard at the Capitol.
- Minnesota Concerned Citizens for Life (MCCL)
- MN Gun Owners
- MN Farm Bureau
About: Susan Witt is running for the Minnesota House of Representatives District 37B, which includes most of Blaine. She is married to Jeff and they have three adult children who live in the Twin Cities. They have one grandson. In 1995 Susan received her Master’s degree in Leadership from the University of Minnesota. After twenty-seven years in the Spring Lake Park School District, she retired. Susan Witt has been involved in Education Minnesota at the local, state and national level. She continues her involvement through Education Minnesota Retired and the Community Outreach committee. Susan has been a member of Christ Lutheran in Blaine for 35 years. During that time she has served as vice president of the congregation, president of the women’s group, taught confirmation and VBS. She sings in two choirs, serves on the Outreach committee, and is the Volunteer Coordinator for Family Promise, a program that houses families in Anoka County that are temporarily homeless. She also serves as an occasional driver for Meals on Wheels and is a member of RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteers Program) for Anoka County.
Important Issues: Education is the backbone of our society. The continued success of our community depends upon the success of our children. Providing fair, equitable and sustainable funding for our schools is essential. The budget must be balanced honestly, and never at the expense of our children. Non academic barriers to education, such as food, safety and vision, must be addressed so that all children can reach their potential. Investments in early childhood education must be made laying the groundwork for future success. The cost of post-secondary education has been skyrocketing and recent graduates face debts that are far too burdensome. This situation requires creative leadership and fresh ideas.
We need improved transportation to move goods, services and people efficiently. This will attract and retain businesses and encourage economic growth. Our 21st Century transportation system needs a dedicated, sustainable and balanced funding source that supports varied modes of transportation.
Goals if Elected: My goal, when elected, is to listen to all sides of every issue and work together for the good of our entire community so that it becomes as strong and healthy as possible. To do this we need to work across the partisan divide and create government that works for all of us. Our state constitution states that “government is instituted for the security, benefit and protection of the people”, and that any changes are to be for the “public good”. I promise to do that when elected.
- AFL-CIO, Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation
- American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- Education Minnesota
- Minnesota Association of Professional Employees
- Minnesota Nurses Association
- Take Action Minnesota
- Teamster Local 120
- womenwinning
- DFL Senior Caucus
- DFL Veterans Caucus
District 31
District 37
District 38
District 41
District 42
District 31B
District 37A
District 37B
District 38A
District 41A
District 42A
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 6
Council Ward 1
Council Ward 2
Council Ward 3
Soil and Water Supervisor District 3
Soil and Water Supervisor District 4
Soil and Water Supervisor District 5