There are already speed warning signs along 81st Avenue near University Avenue. A new ordinance prohibits trucks over 10,000 pounds between University Ave. and Terrace Road.
Continue reading...There are already speed warning signs along 81st Avenue near University Avenue. A new ordinance prohibits trucks over 10,000 pounds between University Ave. and Terrace Road.
Continue reading...Anoka County’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility is ready to open, with new rules in place for drop offs.
Continue reading...Anoka County’s largest single annual event meant tens of millions of dollars for the North Metro economy.
Continue reading...Following a months-long investigation, law enforcement seized more than $600,000 worth of meth and cocaine.
Continue reading...Pandemic and shutdown mean many classes look a bit different but are still happening.
Continue reading...Filing for office opens on May 19. In a normal year, candidates visit their city clerk, county elections office or secretary of state’s office to fill out and turn in their forms. This year, with recent changes to laws, there will be other options.
Continue reading...Small farmers who take livestock to local butcher shops say they can raise plenty of animals, but getting the meat processed is difficult.
Continue reading...The fireworks cost about $35,000 and are normally paid for through charitable gambling profits. With bars and restaurants closed, there is no charitable gambling.
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