Municipal Liquor Store Can Lower Property Taxes

Fiscal responsibility is a popular phrase among politicians. Exactly what they means, however, can be different to everyone. Cities look for ways to raise their tax base or streamline city services, all while trying to keep the cost of living in their city competitive. In some cities however, property taxes can decrease when people buy beer.

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New Senior Living Focuses on the Mind

Between the growth in senior apartment buildings, independent living, and assisted living, it’s clear that the desire for more senior living options is there. This week, the newest senior living community held their ribbon cutting in Blaine.

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Students Showcase Artwork in Fridley

Students are often the ones visiting art museums, but not often do they visit to see their own art work on display. At the Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts, hundreds to area students of all different ages can say that their art is hanging in a professional gallery. Ben has more on this fun, creative and inspirational annual event.

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