By Lemika Fondren
BLAINE, Minn. (July 26, 2018)- If you are interested in learning more about safety services, registration for the 2018 Blaine Citizens Academy is now open.
The city of Blaine Safety Services will be hosting an eight week course for people in the community to learn more about the structure and operations of the Police, Fire, and Community Standards departments.
Classes will be held Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. starting Sept. 5 and concluding Oct. 24. Course topics and hands-on activities include: police use of force, crime and fire prevention, drug awareness, and other emergency response
“The Citizens Academy program is important for the community because it gives participants a behind the scenes understanding and appreciation of the training and pressure it takes to protect the community,” Support Safety Services Manager Wende Ferguson said.
Ferguson also said the program gives residents the chance to fulfill a childhood dream of being a policeman or firefighter and residents are often proud of the accomplishment.
“At the end of the 8-week program,” Ferguson shares, “the participants have said they learned so much more about the professions that they didn’t know and had fun with the hands-on experiences.”
Residents that are 18 and over are allowed to participate, and everyone must pass a criminal history background check.
Citizens Academy meets at a different location each week depending on the activities scheduled. Space is limited, so click this link to register early.