“We have a lot going on this year. We have food vendors and that is the highlight, people come in for a just a punch card, which is $7, gets them to sample foods from 11 different food vendors plus get a bottle of water, lemonade, and coffee,” said Shari Kunza of Blaine Parks and Recreation.
With an emphasis on celebrating the growing diversity of the community World Fest continues to attract more visitors each year.
“It started out small with probably just a few hundred people, we are now up to, last year was our record, we had about 2,000 people come in three hours,” said Kunza.
If you are going to World Fest Shari says don’t miss the opening ceremony.
“Every year we try to do something a little different. We had a bagpiper one year, last year we had African drummers, and this year we are doing a Chinese lion dance, so we’ll have the Chinese lion dance costume, followed by 12 students with flags. Several of them are foreign exchange students so they’ll be holding their native countries flags and then we just do an informal procession from city hall out to the park behind us, and it’s the kickoff and it’s always quite dramatic,” said Kunza.
For more information on the ninth annual Blaine World Fest, click here.