BLAINE, Minn. – (April 11, 2017) – Arrive Alive is a two-day program for juniors and seniors in high school. The program rotates between Centennial and Blaine High Schools. The program organized by the Blaine Police Department and schools is a graphic and dramatic representation of the consequences of drinking and driving.
The students enter in to the stadium bleachers and after they are all seated, the program starts and they quickly understand the seriousness of the situation.
“We really want the kids, once again, to know that they are not invincible,” said Centennial High School Principal Tom Breuning.
“I have had multiple alumni come back to me and say, ‘Mr. Breuning, I know this is hard to believe, but that program did matter to me, and throughout my post-high school in situations I have thought about it.'”
After the demonstration the students are dismissed for the day. First thing the next morning the students attend an assembly. At this assembly they watch a video of the events that led up to the crash scene and the subsequent events including, a court scene, police notifying the parents of the students killed in the crash and a funeral. It is an emotional morning for everyone especially as the parents of the student killed in the mock crash read a letter they write to the child.
Arrive Alive is timed to take place right before prom as students are face with decisions that could have life-altering consequences.