“We need to add capacity,” said Blaine public works director Jon Haukaas. “A lot of people will say just add a third lane. However, the real problem is people getting on and off, and that’s why we are trying to look at other solutions for intersections.” The project area being studied starts in Spring Lake Park and goes north to Bunker Lake Boulevard. Cross streets are too close to each other in this area to consider interchanges at each intersection, and Blaine wants to keep access to as many cross streets as possible. RELATED LINKS:
To make this happen, newer road designs are being considered. Haukaas says that unsignalized J-turns just won’t work in Blaine, because of the traffic volumes. But, they are considering a variety of different options, including signalized J-turns, and options with underpasses and no stop lights – options that are being used in other parts of the country.
More than likely, a few different styles of intersection will end up in the corridor.
MnDOT is currently conducting an online survey to learn more from people who drive this corridor. Four designs are included in the survey, but many more have been considered by the engineering team.
“Everyone’s got an idea, and we are taking all of those ideas and vetting them to see what’s going to be best for this corridor,” said Haukaas.