ANOKA, Minn. – (May 19, 2016) – This time of year many residents get back on their bicycles for leisure rides, exercise, or even to save some gas money.
Anoka County is promoting a day for everyone to get on a bicycle for the work commute. Bike to Work Day 2016 is coming up on June 9 and registration is now open.
By registering for Anoka County Bike to Work Day you receive a free t-shirt and employers that are registered will also have refreshments for the cool down.
The event strives to reduce congestion and improve air quality while encouraging everyone who is able to bike or carpool to and from work.
Anoka County has also released a new bike map for download. Their are over 85 miles of park system trails in Anoka County in addition to city trails and sidewalks.
Bike to work day originated nationwide in 1956.