It’s not a junk yard. It’s the vision and organization once heralded by the farm’s owner, Al Sannerud. The Twin Cities accountant and businessman helped re-organize the efforts of a local Kiwanis Club into the incorporated Bikes 4 Kids in 2011.
As the charity marks its fourth year in a row of providing at least 1,000 donated and repaired bikes to organizations across Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota–and even as far away as African nations–its volunteer members also mourn the death of Sannerud earlier this summer.
“Al will be hard to replace,” said volunteer mechanic Dave Hauschild. “(It) may be impossible.”
Sannerud was officially executive director, and even after his health deteriorated in recent months, he’d still catch a ride in a golf cart from his farm house down the short driveway to the barns where the bikes are stored, refurbished, and sent out to the groups that request them for those who need transportation.
“I value the idea that whoever receives this bicycle doesn’t need to be ashamed of it,” said Hauschild. “(These are) serviceable, dependable, and maybe even cosmetically appealing bicycles.”
Bikes 4 Kids will celebrate its tenth anniversary with a large outdoor gathering in September. Anyone who is interested in learning more or even volunteering can click here.