BLAINE, Minn. – (Oct. 12, 2017) – Blaine has a new public works director. John Haukaas recently took over the department and brings many years of experience. The city council put hiring a new full time public works director as a priority after the water system failures earlier this year.
“We are doing a lot of work upgrading our alarm systems…so we can better track the condition of our system,” said Haukaas.
“The public is our eyes and ears, we can not be everywhere,” said Haukaas.
Haukaas is also working to bring some new ideas to the large department to improve the way it operates.
“A lot of it is around communication both internally and externally,” said Haukaas.
The Blaine Public Works department is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of city streets, parks, the water, sewer and storm sewer systems.