Resident Mark Alto is part of that 23 percent population increase in the last decade.
“What we were looking for was a great community filled full of younger families. That was the big clincher for us is to have a newer development where everyone is in the same boat as us, and that’s what we got here.” Alto adds the population growth is bringing in new businesses, shops, and restaurants all the time.
Realtor Amy Peterson of Edina Realty, says people look to Blaine for a variety of reasons, like parks and trails.
“Some people are looking for more of the amenities, or a particular neighborhood feel where it goes back to what they used to talk about in terms of neighborhoods getting together and having driveway barbecues or the kids all playing together,” said Peterson. “There’s other that it’s not as important. They’re looking for amenities that fit their family and their personal needs.”
Peterson says there’s easy access to both downtowns and major roads, and the city’s variety of housing stock helps with townhomes, and condos. Even with median home prices higher than the metro average, the overall price tag is competitive.
“From the standpoint of affordability the taxes are a little bit lower in Anoka County than some of our neighboring counties,” said Peterson.
The latest numbers also show more diversity in the area. Anoka county jumped from 15 percent non-white to 24 percent in the last decade.
There’s more growth ahead. The Met Council forecast calls for more than 76,000 people calling Blaine home by 2030, and 87,000 by 2040.