FRIDLEY, Minn. – (Oct. 8, 2015) – Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley is already a regional destination and is about to be transformed into a much larger piece of the community. This week construction started and a ceremonial ground breaking was held for the S.P.R.I.N.G project which stands for Sanctuary Protection and Renewal Into the Next Generation.
“Today we mark the reality of what for the last 13 plus years has been a dream, a vision. So out of humble beginnings, thoughts, ideas is now coming to fruition with this project starting today,” said Fridley Mayor Scott Lund.
The $7.6 million project is received $5 million in state funding and has raised additional funds through private donations. The centerpiece of phase one of the S.P.R.I.N.G. project will be an expanded interpretive center that will welcome all visitors to the nature center.
“We’ve been able to do amazing things with school programs, public programs, impact in the community with a building that we have outgrown 15 years ago and it is so exciting for us as a staff to be able to dream up all new programs to come up with new ways to engage the community new ways to educate students with a facility that will be more than twice the size of our current facility so additional classrooms, additional exhibits are going to allow us to some incredible community building,” said Springbrook Nature Center Director Mike Maher.
Phase two calls for more additions to the nature center with the goal of turning it into a state-wide destination.
“The second part of this project is also incredibly exciting. We’re looking at designing a community amphitheater, nature based play area, a new picnic pavillion, so in a number of years when all that comes to fruition we’re absolutely going to be a destination site throughout the metro region and beyond. We will be one of the premier parks and nature centers in the state and beyond,” said Maher.
The new Springbrook Nature Center building is expect to open to the public next spring.