COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, Minn. – (March 30, 2016) – Help fight hunger in our community! Join Southern Anoka County Community Assistance (SACA) at the fourteenth annual Empty Bowls event on
Thurs., April 14 from 4:00 – 7 p.m.
Murzyn Hall
530 Mill Street NE
Columbia Heights
Guests are served a simple meal of soup and bread. Your generous tax-deductible free will offering is encouraged and 100% of donations received will go directly toward the purchase of food and essential items for those in need. SACA is a food shelf and community assistance program serving families in Columbia Heights, Hilltop, Fridley and Spring Lake Park. The number of households SACA served has increased 103% from 4,743 in 2013 to 9,615 in 2015.
As a lasting reminder of hunger in our communities, students from Columbia Heights, Fridley and Spring Lake Park have donated hand-made bowls for guests to take home. Musical entertainment will also be provided by local students and you will be able to bid on silent auction baskets and gift certificates donated by local community members and businesses. Caricatures by Jonny.
SACA is a 501(c)3 food shelf and community assistance program in existence since 1976. Located in Columbia Heights, SACA serves the communities of Columbia Heights, Hilltop, Fridley, and Spring Lake Park.
The concept of Empty Bowls began in 1990 when a Michigan art teacher, John Hartom, initiated a project to raise charitable funds in his community. He wanted to organize an event that would give artists and art students a way to make a personal difference. Communities across the United States and beyond have used this concept to develop and personalize their own Empty Bowls events and have raised millions of dollars to help fight hunger. The goals of Empty Bowls are to raise money to help organizations fight hunger, to raise awareness about the issues of hunger and food security, and to help bring about an attitude that will not allow hunger to exist.