COON RAPIDS, Minn. – (March 7, 2017) – In 2011, Anoka County applied for, and received, funds to widen and reconstruct the segment of Foley Boulevard from Egret Boulevard to Northdale Boulevard.
The project began last August and now the construction is ramping up as the 2017 construction seasons begins.
This week Foley was closed to thru traffic. Access to neighborhood streets and businesses will remain, but all other drivers will need to use a detour.
The proposed project will reconstruct the existing two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway with dedicated right and left turn lanes at full access intersections. The construction of a center median will improve safety and operations. The project also includes the construction of a trail on one side of the corridor and replacement of an existing sidewalk on the other. The proposed trail and sidewalk will provide linkages between the various residential neighborhoods along the corridor and nearby commercial, recreational and educational facilities.