HAM LAKE, Minn. – (March 7, 2019) – Estimates show one in 10 Minnesotans, or more than 500,000 state residents experience food insecurity on a regular basis. Each March, food shelves team up with Minnesota FoodShare for the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state.

North Anoka County Emergency Food Shelf & Closet will host an Empty Bowls event on March 14 in Oak Grove.
Last year, those efforts helped collect more than $8 million and nearly five million pounds of food to support local needs. As a part of FoodShare, the North Anoka County Emergency Food Shelf is planning a fundraiser called Empty Bowls.
It’s a soup dinner held at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Oak Grove. There will be a free-will donation, along with a live and silent auction, wine pull, and more. You can learn more about Empty Bowls at the North Anoka County Emergency Food Shelf Website and find out more information about Minnesota FoodShare.
The Community Emergency Assistance Fund, or CEAP, also has many different fundraising events this month. You can check out their entire events calendar here.
Southern Anoka Community Assistance has a large fundraiser at the end of the month. Hops for Hunger is a charitable beer tasting event with auction items, food and music. Hops for Hunger is on March 30 in Minneapolis.