Fortunately, the risk is largely preventable.
Anoka County encourages homeowners to test homes and fix radon problems. About 2 in 5 Minnesota homes have dangerous levels of radon gas. The only way for residents to know if their home has radon is to test. Testing is easy, inexpensive and only takes 3-5 days. The best time to test is now during the heating season, but testing can be done year-round. Short-term test kits can be picked up in the Anoka County Administration Office, 2100 3rd Ave., Suite 700, Anoka.
Tests should be done in the lowest level of the home that is frequently occupied. If your home’s level is at or above 4 pCi/L*, you should consider verification testing and having a radon
mitigation system installed.
Minnesota law requires disclosure and information be provided to buyers about radon during Minnesota home sales. The law requires sellers to inform buyers whether their home has been tested for radon and if so, what the levels are and whether the home has been mitigated for radon.