LINO LAKES, Minn. – (April 14, 2016) – According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, about 30% of our state’s garbage is organic material. This spring, Lino Lakes is starting a new program that will give residents the option to recycle their organic waste.
There will be two drop sites in the city for people to bring their organics to, one in Birch Park and one in Marshan Park. Anyone interested in participating in the new organics recycling does have to sign up with the city.
Once registered, you will receive a kitchen pail for your organic material and a free roll of compostable bags to bring your recyclables to the drop sites. After that, you can start collecting your food scraps. Other things that can go in organics recycling that might surprise you are nail clippings, pizza boxes, Popsicle sticks, and coffee grounds. To sign up or to view a list of recyclable materials click here.