ANOKA, Minn. – (Oct. 1, 2015) – Mate Precision Tooling in Anoka is inviting the public to learn more about how the manufacturing industry works as well as the extensive number of manufacturing job opportunities there are in Anoka County. The tour is supported by MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce and is a part of the Dream It. Do it. Statewide Tour of Manufacturing.
“We have a lot of manufacturers in Anoka County which is where MetroNorth is. There’s about one in five jobs in Anoka County that are manufacturing related and so it’s really important that we help bring the emerging work force together with our existing manufacturing employers and make those connections”, said Lori Higgins President of the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce.
The goal of the tour is to welcome students and their families to learn more first-hand and to correct some misconceptions surrounding manufacturing plants and the jobs they offer.
“Our hope is that students will bring their parents so that they can see what a career in manufacturing might look like. So, when they sit down together at the kitchen table and talk about possible career paths, manufacturing is a viable option. When the parents have seen it they know it can lead to a high paying career. It is not where their grandfather used to work. It’s clean, it’s modern, they use the STEM classes so they’ll have that conversation as they talk about different career paths.”
MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce and manufacturers in the area are hoping that by increasing awareness of local opportunities, students in the area will be more inclined to stay and continue to build the community.
“It’s really important for us to keep students in our area. It’s really a good place to live, work, and play by keeping our high performing high quality students herein Anoka County and to be part of the workforce and keep us a strong place. So that’s really the mission of the chamber is to build business and build community and students are an integral part of that. So, we want to keep them here and be a part of the workforce and the community”, Higgins said.
You can join other families for a free and informative tour with food, beverages, and giveaways on Oct. 6 from 5 to 8 pm. For more event details click here.