This sign appeared on the door of Matthew’s Family Restaurant less than two weeks after it mysteriously closed after being open more than 20 years in Circle Pines.
The mayor doesn’t know why. The police department doesn’t know why. The owner of the building doesn’t know–or at least wouldn’t say.
The owners of the business aren’t saying, other than a hand-written note that read: “..we were forced to close…these are not our wishes.”
But a new sign appeared sometime over the weekend that indicated Matthew’s Family Restaurant would indeed be open again “soon.”
Matthew’s, on Lake Drive, shut down on Oct. 21, with pies still on the counter, specials still scrawled on the chalkboard in the lobby, and lights still on in the kitchen. Owners Matt and Amy Salo left a note on the front door that read: “After 23 years of proudly serving this community, we are being forced to close These are not our wishes. Kindest thoughts and sweetest memories. Love, Amy and Matt.”
The Salos did not return calls to North Metro TV. The owner of the Glen Oaks Center, Patty Smith of Wayzata, did answer a call and only would say she had no information. When pressed for who may have information, she hung up. A leasing agent who manages the building told North Metro TV he didn’t have more information, only that he knew Smith had also tried–in vain–to contact the Salos.
Circle Pines city officials, including Mayor Dave Bartholomay, expressed regret that the restaurant was closed, but they, too, are without any knowledge of why.
Anoka County officials did not report any violations of any kind against either the business or the Salos.
A check of court records does not show any outstanding criminal or civil proceedings against the couple or family.
A call to Salo again on Monday after the re-opening sign went up was not returned.