BLAINE, Minn. – (Sept. 13, 2018) – MnDOT has begun a study of the Highway 65 corridor. Anoka County and Blaine have each committed $100,000 to the study. MnDOT is picking up the remaining cost of the $800,000 study.
The study will examine cost-effective roadway alternatives to address capacity, access, mobility and safety issues between Bunker Lake Boulevard in Ham Lake, and County 10 in Spring Lake Park. MnDOT says a focus on planning and environmental analysis will speed the start of any future projects in that area.
Results from previous studies along Highway 65 are out of date due to the increase in businesses and population. This study will be similar to a recent Highway 10 study that looked at how to make the biggest impact while keeping overall project costs down. However, no specific projects in the corridor have funding at this point. The study is expected to be completed by February of 2020.