BLAINE, Minn. – (July 14, 2016) – The roar of thousands of motorcycles. The salute of active military. The 2016 Patriot Ride is a combination of those things as a remembrance for Minnesota’s military, veterans, and their families to honor those who have fallen in combat.
“The Patriot Ride is an event that honors those who have served, those who are serving, and those who lost their life serving our country and also honoring their families, said Patriot Rider Jerry Teeson.
The Patriot Ride began 11 years ago sponsored by Dennis Kirk Incorporated. The event has grown to become the largest organized motorcycle ride in the upper Midwest. This year 4,200 bikes participated.
“We take a 50 mile ride through the northern suburbs and out into the countryside where folks sat along the road in their lawn chairs and waived flags and waived at us. Cheered us along as we came by,” said Teeson.
The Anoka County-Blaine Airport holds the event and is the start and finish point for the ride. The actual trip isn’t the only thing at the massive gathering that included food, vendors, music, and a remembrance wall with the names of those who have dies while serving.
“More importantly we will have a time recognizing the people I spoke about, those who have served, are serving, and their families and recognizing those who were killed in action,” said Teeson.
As a veteran, for Jerry the Patriot Ride holds a special significance. “I’m a Vietnam vet. I served in Vietnam in 1970 to 1971. My orders said Vietnam, I spent my first 35 days in Cambodia, I was part of that invasion into Cambodia. You know it was a different time when I was in the service and I’m a part of that group that says lets never forget our soldiers, never forget those who serve our country and willing to put their life on the line for our country. So I’ve been riding in the ride all 11 years and five years ago I was asked to serve on the committee and help and it’s just a part of me being able to make sure that we don’t forget,” said Teeson.
Since its inception the Patriot Ride has raised over $1.7 million. Four non-profits that directly serve military families use all of the proceeds raised each year to help those families in need. The four sponsors that receive funds that are raised are The Minnesota Patriot Guard, The Minnesotans’ Military Appreciation Fund, Tribute to the Troops, and Folds of Honor.
Just a common love of motorcycles and sharing a memory of those who have served this country brings thousands of people together to bond in a way that nothing else can.
“It’s an incredible recognition for them. It’s a day we give special attention to those families who lost someone. There’s a lot of activity when the funeral is held but as time goes on people move on with their lives so we want to make sure we do something every year that recognizes those families to say we won’t forget you,” said Teeson.
The participants believe this is a perfect way to honor the troops here and abroad. “It speaks to who we are as a county, who we are as Minnesotan’s, and who we are as people who live in the Twin City area that we are not forgetting our veterans and those that are serving us,” said Teeson. More information on the Patriot Ride and how support their charities can be found here.