Planners confirmed that they’re seeking public input on the design considerations for re-doing the intersection of County Road J and Interstate 35E, which sits at the border of Ramsey and Anoka Counties and the place where the cities of Lino Lakes, North Oaks, and White Bear Township all meet.
“There are a lot of back-ups getting off on to and getting off the freeway onto County Road J,” said Joey Lundquist, a project manager with Ramsey County.
One complicating factor is the lack of on-ramps to northbound 35E from County Road J and off-ramps from the southbound lanes of the freeway. The project will address that, among other issues on County Road J between Otter Lake and Centerville Roads, which flank the interchange.
“We’ve talked to a number of businesses on the southwest corner of the interchange,” said Lundquist, indicating retail, restaurant, and light industry sites. “They have a lot of people that drive in from the north that would use the new ramps.”
Anoka County transportation leaders voiced many of the same factors when North Metro TV talked to them about the proposed changes last summer.
For now, the public input is open at this link for anyone to weigh in on the project.
Ramsey County hopes to start preliminary design work this year, with final designs in 2023 and ultimately construction in 2024.
“We’re planning to stage the project to keep the bridge open or a widened bridge to the north they can move traffic on to,” said Lundquist. “It worked on other projects like this where we’re able to move traffic around and keep traffic flowing.”