BLAINE, Minn. – (June 28, 2018) – The SBM Fire Department received a big donation this week. Allina Health has been replacing their ambulance fleet and as old units are moved out of service they are passing them on to their public safety partners.
“It’s been a long process but we are very happy today to be receiving this today,” said Maddison Zikmund, SBM Fire assistant chief.
SBM does not run its own ambulance service so they will be using the vehicle to fulfill a very important part of their mission.
“This is going to be a support vehicle for our community risk reduction division. It will be outfitted with smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, training props and educational materials,” said Zikmund
The SBM fire prevention team is busy all year round doing an average of three events per day.
“We do well over 1,000 events per year,” said Zikmund.
With this new vehicle outfitted with all the prevention supplies they hope to be able to do more events and spend less time gathering supplies.
A new ambulance would cost the department upwards of $150,000, meaning this donation is a big cost saver for the taxpayers. The new vehicle will be ready in about a month and to help SBM continue their proactive approach to community safety.
“It is our job to be proactive…that’s our mission,” said Zikmund.
For more information on SBM fire prevention click here.