“Seeing multiple names I was just so surprised with all of ’em,” said Centerville Mayor Nancy Golden. Blizzard Wizard, which was submitted by Centerville resident Dylan Rehnke, ultimately was chosen as the winning name. “We have so many creative people here in Centerville,” Golden said. “It’s just so fun to see these names, to read ’em all and to now get our new Blizzard Wizard name.”
“I was surprised that I was the winner,” Dylan said. “I always kind of hoped that maybe a kid or something would win it, but I’m kind of glad I won though.”
Dylan had no plans to enter the contest until his wife Erin Rehnke – who won last year by submitting the name Clearopathra – suggested he give it a try.
“I figured I should stir up some other competition within the city,” Erin said. “So I encouraged him to enter. I didn’t think he would actually follow through quite frankly. I had no idea he would win. That was a complete surprise.”
“There was a snowstorm coming,” Dylan said. “I was just thinking blizzard and put the two together. That’s how it came about.”
The payout for Dylan was a $50 check from the city. On a future snowy day it’s possible he might be driving behind the Blizzard Wizard as it plows Centerville’s roads and streets.
“I know I’ll be safe,” Dylan said. “The salt coming out of it. I’ll have a little attachment knowing it’s named after something I picked.”
Erin was hoping Dylan’s snowplow moniker would win but wasn’t exactly counting on it.
“No way,” Erin said. “I said no way. Not even possible.”
“I think we’re just really lucky that we were picked both years,” Dylan said.
Playing it down the middle
Golden showed up for the naming ceremony in late February – but like any smart politician she wasn’t taking sides in this husband-wife name game.
“No thanks,” Golden said. “I’ll vote both.”
Golden is just happy both snowplows will be clearing roads in Centerville.
“We are that crown jewel with our lakes, our trails and now with our aptly named snowplows,” Golden said. “Watch out Blizzard Wizard, Clearopathra is going to be right behind you.”
As for Dylan, he wisely chose Clearopathra as the cooler-sounding name.
“If I had to pick I would probably have to say my wife, so I stay out of the doghouse,” Dylan said.
Meanwhile Erin played it coy.
“Flip of a coin,” Erin said. “Coin toss.”
Blizzard of Oz, Darth Blader, King of the Chill, Purple Thunder, Plow Bunyan and Snowowzilla were some of the other suggested names in the contest.