(ANOKA COUNTY) — Anoka County is the second deadliest county in the state on the roads, with 23 deaths on the so far in 2018. In the past five years, there have been 50 car and pedestrian crashes on just University Avenue and Highway 65, and that’s only south of Highway 10.
MnDOT officials met with community leaders and law makers this week in Columbia Heights to talk about pedestrian safety.
The roads they examined run through several different communities, and the roads change character along the routes. Central Avenue in Columbia Heights looks much different than University Avenue does in Blaine. Because of this, there is not just one solution to look at, but possible different plans at different intersections.
MnDOT officials met with community leaders and law makers this week in Columbia Heights to talk about pedestrian safety.
The roads they examined run through several different communities, and the roads change character along the routes. Central Avenue in Columbia Heights looks much different than University Avenue does in Blaine. Because of this, there is not just one solution to look at, but possible different plans at different intersections.
Some ideas could be enacted tomorrow, while others, if funded, could take years.
“This is just the first step,” said Barnes. “The Road Safety Audit is just a plan about what we can do going forward.”
The intersection of University Avenue and 85th Avenue presents unique challenges with a high number of pedestrians, but with limited areas for walking.
“There is a big transit center, with no sidewalk (near Northtown Mall),” said Barnes. “I think people kind of get frustrated, so there’s not going to be a ton of easy solutions out there, but combining that with education and enforcement are some of the things we can do to make it better.”
The group has been encouraged by MnDOT to keep meeting and to begin making changes. They are aiming to have their next meeting in January and bring in even more perspectives, including that of the business community and transit users.