ANOKA, Minn. – (June 7, 2018) – Stepping Stone Emergency Housing is a homeless shelter for single adults. They can house up to 66 men and women in a dorm style setting, while also providing food, clothing, medical care and career help. Now, Stepping Stone is getting ready to expand their services with a new housing option that provides more independence.
Stepping Stone bought a house from Anoka County for one dollar. The county had purchased the foreclosed home with HUD dollars that were designated for low-income housing. Stepping Stone will be using this house as a transitional home for three women.
“Instantly, when the walk through the door, they will no longer be homeless,” said Stepping Stone executive director Julie Jeppson.
They just closed on the house last week, but they already have a group eager to help the women and help with the house.
It won’t be completely independent living yet, but that is the ultimate goal.
“They can stay there forever,” said Jeppson. “Our hope is that they don’t. Our hope is that they don’t stay there longer than two years, because they need to get out of their dependence. They need to create their own dependence and independence.”
In 2016, Stepping Stone was able to help 434 people experiencing homelessness. They always welcome volunteers and donations to help them with their goal of ending homelessness.