“You just take a book and return a book,” said Little Free Library steward Robin Iller.
Just stop by this little free library, grab a book or two and take them home. When you’re done reading them, bring them back. And, you are always welcome to contribute books to the library as well.
Robin and her family built this library last year when they moved to Blaine. They were used to having several around them when they lived in St. Paul, but noticed there were fewer in the suburbs. So, they built one.
“Once you get it up and going, it kind of takes care of itself,” said Iller.
She has become a casual librarian on her days off, checking on her little free library and making sure it is clean and well stocked. But, her day job….. Anoka County Librarian.
“For me, working at a library… it’s not really a job. I enjoy being surrounded by books and people who appreciate a good book,” said Iller.
Robin keeps her library full by taking books that are going out of circulation at the library. She also buys books at thrift stores and uses books from her own collection and to keep it well stocked.
“I had a couple books that I really loved,” said Iller as she described the difficulty in giving her favorite books to the library. “I just kind of want to share how good they are.”
This library has popular children’s books, as well as novels and books for teens. Sometimes, a unique book will pop up, and immediately disappear.
“A Justin Bieber autobiography. I think that one lasted about a day and I haven’t seen it come back. I’m not sure if we’re going to get that one back,” said Iller.
Never knowing what might show up is one of the exciting parts of using the little free library. But, Robin’s favorite part.
“This is open 24 hours, and 365 days a year,” said Iller. “It’s kind of cool that I don’t have to be out here at 6:00 a.m. when someone jobs by and wants a book.”