BLAINE, Minn – (July 13, 2017) – The 21st annual Blaine Safety Camp welcomed many third and fourth graders to at the Spring Lake Park-Blaine-Mounds View fire department. During the two-day camp, the children learned how to prevent some of the most common injuries among their age group.
“We pulled some statistics about unintentional injury because that is the leading cause of death of kids this age,” said Crime Prevention Specialist Andrea Hunt.
The camp leaders and guest speakers talked about a variety of safety topics including: Internet safety, fire safety, bully prevention and electrical safety. The camp leaders are made up of police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and parks and recreation staff.
The community also plays a huge role in the camp’s success, since the city provides limited funding. Donations and sponsors have made huge contributions, and Andrea credits them for helping make the Blaine Safety Camp possible each year.
“We have reached almost 3,000 kids in our 20 years, so if we have stopped one child from being involved in some kind of injury it’s all worth it,” Hunt said.
Safety camp has become an annual tradition for the Blaine community, and there will be another safety camp coming up for the Centennial school district next month.