ST. PAUL, Minn. – (May 7, 2015) – About half a million people are expected to take part in opening day of walleye and northern pike season this year. And while many of them will be dropping a boat in the water, you really don’t need all the fancy gadgets to enjoy the sport. “You don’t have to have a big fancy boat and a lot of electronics. It doesn’t take a lot to get out and get fishing. There’s opportunities everywhere in the state. We try to make it easy for people to really partake in the activity and it’s just a great outdoor activity for families and kids,” said Don Pereira, DNR fisheries section chief.
Minnesota has more than 11,000 lakes and 18,000 miles of fishable rivers and streams. Minnesota ranks second only to Alaska with 32 percent resident fishing participation. We have about one and a half million licensed anglers in the state.
“The economic impact of fishing in this state is huge, over $4 billion contributing to the state economy. That’s really important for rural Minnesota as well; those recreational economies are a key part of the state. Fishing is a huge part of our culture in Minnesota.”
The fishing opener is May 9.
Related Links:
MN DNR Fishing Licenses
Fishing in Minnesota
Fisheries Lake Survey