BLAINE, Minn. – First and foremost it’s a soccer tournament. But the Schwan’s USA Cup has decided to use their large tournament as a platform to give back to the community.
Scott Clasen of the National Sports Center explains that the tournament’s latest venture, Kick Cancer, is about more than just a love of the game: “Kick Cancer is a new initiative this year at Schwan’s USA Cup, and it really grew out of something we’ve done the last couple of years called Project Pink.”
Project Pink, Clasen explains, was a day that brought awareness to breast cancer. “We decided that this year we’d expand it and include other cancers that are obviously just as meaningful to people as breast cancer.” This year, the tournament is supporting organizations targeting four different kinds of cancer– breast cancer, children’s cancer, leukemia/lymphoma, and prostate cancer.
Kelly Fegley of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society says the tournament explains their goal in being involved with the USA Cup, “We are here because we want to kick cancer. Leukemia is the most common form of cancer in people under the age of 20 and so this is the perfect match for us, coming to the Schwan’s Cup and getting the word out.”
These four cancer fighting organizations have been given the opportunity not only to raise funds, but also to educate the athletes, coaches, and fans about these cancers and ways to lower their risks. But, in addition to that, USA Cup is using goals to raise funds for these organizations. Each goal scored earns individuals a ticket worth $1 in donations to the scorer’s cancer charity of choice; the donation will be made in his or her name. Goalkeepers who achieve a shut-out will also receive the same reward.
In addition to the donations made for goals and shutouts, teams were encouraged to do their own fundraisers prior to the tournament. “It’s something that help bring the whole USA Cup community together,” Clasen explains, “and that’s what this tournament is really about. It’s not just a soccer tournament.”
Donations are still being accepted for each of these four cancer fighting organizations on behalf of the tournament.