“I have a degree in marketing first, then I worked in publishing for eight years,” said Kate Manson. “I was finishing up my accounting degree, and that’s kind of a reason I wanted to change.”
That desire to change career paths ultimately led Manson to the City of Circle Pines.
“Sometimes I wear the hat of payroll clerk, which is three to four days of a two week pay period. I pay the fire department and I pay the police department employees.”
“The other big roll I play is just answering the phone and answering the counter to residents as well as Centennial Utilities customers.”
People call or visit city hall for a variety of reasons. The come for building and electrical permits, renting park space, neighbor disputes, and questions about trash or utilities. But, there are always questions that are new to city hall.
“Some people have been here been here for twenty plus years and they are still getting phone calls or questions at the counter that they have never gotten in the entire time they’ve been here.”
Manson has been on the job for just over three years and is learning more of those answers every day.
“It’s kind of fun and interesting and keeps you on your toes. It doesn’t get boring.”