“We do such a variety of things,” says Shari Kunza, a recreation manager with the city of Blaine. “Managing the parks, putting in new playgrounds, and developing new parks, because Blaine is still a developing community.”
Shari is one of six people employed full time in Blaine’s Parks and Recreation Department.
“We also provide programming for all ages, from preschool up to senior citizens. We do a lot of nature programming, sports, day trips…summer programs are our heaviest time.”
Shari began her career in parks while still in college, when she took a job with Minneapolis Parks and Recreation. She then took a full time job there. After that, her career led her to Blaine, Shoreview, and back to Blaine again.
Blaine has 65 parks in their parks system with 638 acres of land. There is also more than 50 miles of trails in Blaine. The parks in the system range in their sizes and amenities, offering a variety of opportunities to residents.
“We have a lot of natural areas: Laddie Lake, the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary, Lochness Park, and Pioneer Park are more passive parks [for] walking through, finding nature, getting your exercise. And then you can go to the Lexington Athletic Complex, or Blaine Baseball Complex and see all your athletic fields, with your skateboard park, your disc golf course,” said Kunza. “Anywhere in Blaine you can find something that will fit your leisurely style.”
The Parks and Recreation staff manages events all summer, from a kids’ triathlon, to a concert series, art shows and a popular farmers market.
Most of all, Shari values the different things that are a part of her job every day.
“I love variety. I can sit at my computer and work on a budget, and then I can go out into the community and run a special event. No two days are the same. I love working with the public and I love working for the community.”